Friday, July 20, 2007

Super Bad

A couple nights ago I went to an advanced screening of the movie Super Bad with my brother and Daniel (aka DMoNeyRojAzZ (aka jackass)). Normally, I would use this opportunity to gloat about seeing a highly anticipated movie a month before it is released and be an asshole, but in this particular case it would be wildly inappropriate. I say that because we arrived hours early to the theater, thinking there would be a massive line and little to no chance at getting a seat. However, we arrived to see the line at only a modest length and later found that we could have arrived hours later and still easily gotten seats. This is one of the few times in my life that overestimating a situation has led to unfavorable results. First of all, it meant at least two hours of pantsless lounging time at the house that I lost forever.
But more importantly, it turned into an extra couple of hours in line around a very irritating group of people while sitting on cement so hot that I think it partially cooked my ass.

But (as usual) I digress. I didn't start this to bitch and moan. I wrote this to applaud a fanastic movie. And I also wrote it to gloat. Sorry. I lied earlier.

So with that, I must insist that you go and see this movie the moment it comes out (August 17). That's right, you. The one behind the keyboard wondering why you're still reading this garbage. You need to see this movie. Why? I'll tell you why. It will easily be the funniest movie you see this summer, and possibly the funniest movie you've seen in a while. How long is a while? I don't know. Stop asking so many stupid questions.

I thought it would be impossible to release a funnier movie this summer than Knocked Up, but Super Bad definitely did just that. It's really not that surprising, seeing as how it's largely the same cast and creative team behind Knocked Up. Only, this movie (shockingly) had more laughs per minute ("LPM") than Knocked Up. For those not familiar with the premise of the film, it's essentially a movie about two best friends that are more like brothers dealing with seperation anxiety resulting from their impending graduation from high school. It will inevitably be put in the genre of "high school comedy" or "teen gross out comedy." And while that may be somewhat accurate, it's definitely not the typical film that finds its way into that territory. Much like 40 Year Old Virgin was atypical of the buddy comedy or coming-of-age genre, Superbad gives a new spin on comedies revolving around high school kids. Essentially, it's American Pie, if American Pie didn't suck. Also, it was especially entertaining for me because I could relate so much to the two main guys, particularly Michael Cera's character

So, see this movie. It'll make you laugh. It'll make you cry. It'll make you piss your pants like I did several times throughout the film. And the people around you won't think anything of it, because a reaction like that is to be expected from Super Bad. In fact, not only did no one mind that I continually peed myself throughout the movie, the guy sitting in front of me actually turned around and gave me a thumbs up after I inadvertantly peed on his head. It's that funny. And underneath all the expletives and dick jokes, there's actually a very stragely sweet story about friendship.

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